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Remodeling your home should be an inspiring journey that follows a smooth, straight line — starting with "What if" and ending with "Wow!"
But all too often, it's a disappointing maze of baffling twists, turns and detours.
It is for this very reason VanBerg Design & Remodeling exists — to stand as a Pillar of Certainty amid an industry devoid of that precious resource. For over a quarter of a century, VanBerg has applied a unique, proprietary and wholly transparent system designed to eliminate uncertainties and inspire confidence, trust, and peace of mind. Or, put another way: the shortest — and surest — distance between "Point A" and "Point B" is a straight line through VanBerg.

"I trust my contractor unconditionally."
And other absurd phrases that will soon spring from your lips...
Right now, it may be difficult to fathom. But should you partner with VanBerg for your next remodeling project, there are a number of surprising observations you're bound to utter. Among them:
"Wow, you're here bright and early!"
"I know you said you'd finish today, but I had no idea you meant it."
"You cleaned up? Am I being punked?"

It's simply what happens when you work with a company specifically conceived to right the wrongs of an industry infamous for unpredictability, inconsistency and apathy.
VanBerg was founded in 1988 by two cousins who believed that "on-time" and "on-budget" shouldn't be a punchline. So they devised a system that — over the next 35 + years — has made the company synonymous with reliability, professionalism, and profound expertise.
All of which often prompts yet another foreign phrase:
"Are you sure you guys are contractors?"
Can it be? A system designed to benefit you, and not just the contractor? That doesn't sound like the remodeling industry we all know and (don't) love.
Then again, that's the whole point: VanBerg was conceived as the antidote to business practices that had become toxic.
So the company developed a system that promotes certainty rather than unpredicability; proactivity rather than reactivity; communication rather than crickets.
But there's no need to take our word for it. Discover it for yourself.

Build first. Design later. It might sound crazy, but great ideas often do. Our initial step is to build a dream team by assembling consummate professionals specifically suited for the project at hand. Then and only then do we design a plan, followed by the start of construction.
Plan for failure. While we make a regular habit of breaking Murphy's Law, the fact remains: if you assume nothing will go wrong, it almost certainly will. So our planning process includes a thorough examination of "worst case" scenarios — which, not surprisingly, goes a long way in preventing them.
Pry. Snoop. Peek. Before "Day One" of construction, VanBerg performs a careful inspection of the jobsite, looking above ceilings, below floors and when necessary, into walls in an extra effort to befuddle Mr. Murphy
Never desert clients. But by all means, make them feel isolated. We believe a work zone should never resemble a war zone. So in addition to maintaining a jobsite that is safe and clean, we build and install special partitions designed to isolate you from the rigors of the remodeling process.
Building is our profession, but we're really in the communications business. Whoever said "No news is good news" never remodeled a home. By issuing updated calendars on a weekly basis, and by establishing multiple, dependable channels of contact, information is accurate and expectations are managed.
Think of it as a personal, on-call maintenance man... minus the sketchy hygiene and uninsured pickup.
It's not something most of us think about. But in many ways, your home is like a human. It requires food (think: electricity, gas); it requires water (think: sinks, tubs, showers); and unless good care is taken, it's only a matter of time before ailments
set in.
That's why VanBerg has created Home Care Concierge. It's like a Health-and-Wellness Plan for your home.
Fully customizable, the plan offers two forms of service (or a combination thereof): regularly scheduled check-ups, when routine maintenance is performed, and impromptu appointments.
After all, your home is a part of the family. Show it some love!